He Did Not Open His Mouth
"He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth"
Isaiah 53:7
Oppressed: subject to harsh treatment
Affliction: something that causes pain or suffering
What if we too, did this?
Can you imagine how this world would change, if we learned to hold our tongues, when we experience affliction and oppression.
When we experience pain from harsh words someone spoke to us or about us.
When we experience pain from a dysfunctional relationship, where it seems all you do is fight.
We will all face it; it is seemingly inevitable. How can we go through this life without facing affliction, really? Such is life.
But just take a minute. Take a deep breath, and imagine a world where people did not open their mouth, when they were afflicted.
Imagine your life like this.
There is no way this is easy. We are human, our mouths open REAL wide, and we let quite a bit out; oftentimes, far more than we should.
But today, meditate on these words, and when affliction comes your way, try not opening your mouth, and watch how God works in and through you, and those around you.